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How To Change Your Age On TikTok

It’s easy to change your age on TikTok! If you want to appear younger, or older, than you actually are, here’s what you need to do…

Guess what? There is no age verification process and you can modify your age as many times as you want, as long as you have your account active. The only other requirements are that the user must be a minimum of 13 years old to download the app, and they must have a Facebook or Google account in order to use the service.

How To Change Your Age on TikTok

Most people know that you can change your username on TikTok, but did you know that you can also change your age? If this is something you want to do, just tap the gear icon at the top of the screen. 

Then tap My Account and then Edit my profile. At the bottom of this page, it will ask for your birthday. Enter whatever year you want. For example, if I enter 1997 instead of 1999, it says that I am 16 years old as opposed to 11! However, once you enter a different birth year, the app thinks you are an underage user so be careful about what you post. 

What is the age limit for TikTok?

TikTok is a social media app for making videos and sharing them with other users. It was launched in 2016 and in October 2018, it surpassed Instagram as the most popular social networking app among 12-to 15-year-olds. 

Users can access the app via their phone or on the web. If you want to sign up for an account on TikTok, you need to be at least 13 years old, but some features within the app are restricted based on your age range. 

The minimum age for creating a profile is 13. The maximum age for signing up is 18 years old. For those who are 16-17 years old, they will only be able to see posts that come from people who they follow. People aged 13-15 will not have this restriction. 

Once a user turns 18, they will no longer be able to post content on TikTok that is deemed inappropriate by the company’s terms of service. 

That includes photos, video clips, and messages. However, once someone reaches 18 years old, they cannot view any content created by younger users which may include themes like bullying or suicide.

Does TikTok use age verification?

No. There is no age verification process and you can change your age as many times as you want, as long as you have your account active. The only other requirements are that the user must be a minimum of 13 years old to download the app, and they must have a Facebook or Google account in order to use the service. In order to delete their account, there’s an option on the Settings page that says Delete Account. After clicking this button, the confirmation message will pop up. 

The user will then need to confirm whether they want to delete their account by clicking Yes. Once confirmed, TikTok will start deleting any data associated with their profile including posts. It will take some time for the deletion process to complete but once it has been finished, the account cannot be restored.

How do I change my age on TikTok without deleting my account?

First, you’ll need to log into your account. Second, click on the Options tab. Third, scroll down to Account Information and select it. Fourth, you’ll see the fields for Name and Age. Fifth, in order to change your age without deleting your account, simply enter in a different number where it says Year of Birth. 

The last step is to confirm the changes by clicking Confirm Changes at the bottom of the page. That’s all there is to it! Now when people look up your profile they will see that you are an older or younger person than what they may have originally thought based off of your username. 

The process is simple and takes less than 10 minutes. 

After making the change, you can go back to using your old username if you want. No one will know the difference because they won’t be able to find out what year you were born unless they go through this same process themselves.

How can I see my age on TikTok?

To see your age on TikTok, tap the three dots on the top right of the app. Tap on About and you will see your age in years and months, as well as when you joined, but won’t be able to change it yourself. In order to change it, you need to request a phone number change. 

When submitting your request, make sure to include that you want the new number for TikTok. Once you have confirmed this, go back into the app and sign out by tapping on your username at the top left corner of the screen and then click Sign Out. 

Re-enter your new phone number (if successful) and once again enter your new password. Now go back into About and edit that information! Remember, if you forget your new password, there is no way to recover it so take note of any changes before continuing.

How do I get rid of my age on TikTok?

TikTok is an app that allows people to upload short videos of themselves. One key function of the app is that you are able to see how many followers someone has and how many views their videos have. 

With this feature, other users can quickly assess how popular you are on the app. 

One way to try and compete with more popular accounts is by deleting your age from the account, making it look like you’re not a teenager just yet. If you want to delete your age without changing any other information, follow these steps: 

  1. Go into settings in the app. 
  2. Scroll down until you find privacy then select account. 
  3. In the second box, click delete my profile. 
  4. Confirm deletion in the pop-up window that appears.

READ MORE: How To Change TikTok Username Before 30 Days 

READ MORE: How To Add A Link To TikTok Bio Without Business Account 


TikTok is a smart platform for creating and sharing short videos. The app requires you to be 13 years old or older, but there are many ways around this if you want to use the app. 

If you want to remove your age on TikTok, there are two easy steps: setting up a different email account and changing your birthday in the settings menu. If you have any questions about these methods, feel free to ask us! 

I hope that I was able to help with this blog post!

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