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WhatsApp Calls Keep Reconnecting/disconnecting on iPhone

In this article. We will discuss one of the common issues on the iOS 14, WhatsApp calls keep reconnecting/disconnecting on iPhone. In today’s guide, I will provide the causes of this issue and how to get rid of it.

After upgrading to the latest iOS, you may encounter many issues, one of the regular issues is that WhatsApp call continues reconnecting and afterward end. When you call or receive calls on WhatsApp, the calls may show reconnecting and afterward end. There are many things that could cause this issue, however, this concise guide will provide the best solution to this common issue among iPhone users.

This issue is exceptionally bothersome as it is extremely hard for iPhone users to make calls using WhatsApp. The issue began significantly subsequent upgrading to the latest iOS, thusly it appears to be that a few changes in iOS 14 are causing this WhatsApp bug.

WhatsApp calls not working on iPhone is a regular issue across various iPhone models including flagship phone–iPhone 12 Max Pro, iPhone 11/XS Max/XR. Indeed, even the most recent iOS 14.3 beta issue actually exists. There are no updates from WhatsApp or Apple on this, yet unquestionably this is a bothering bug for iPhone clients.

Causes Of WhatsApp Disconnection Issue on iPhone

There are several things that could cause your WhatsApp to frequently reconnect or disconnect whenever you are making calls on your iPhone.

  • Using an outdated version of iOS.
  • Insufficient RAM.
  • WhatsApp bug.
  • iOS 14 issue.
  • Network.
  • Etc.

WhatsApp Calls Keep Reconnecting/disconnecting on iPhone

If your WhatsApp Call stopped working after updating your iPhone to the latest version of iOS, We have recorded some workaround, fixes that you should attempt to fix the WhatsApp calls reconnecting issue.

1. Reset Network setting on iPhone

If your WhatsApp suddenly developed a bug, the first thing you should attempt network resetting and acknowledge the warnings demand post reset.

  • Open your iPhone Settings.
  • Go to Reset.
  • Last, Reset Network Settings.

2. Turn on Local Network

The network issue is another thing that can cause your WhatsApp to frequently disconnect calls. However, here is what to do.

  • Open iPhone Settings.
  • Go to WhatsApp.
  • Search for Nearby Network.
    • However, If this option is turned off. Turn this back on.

If the WhatsApp bug is caused by a network issue, after completing this process, you should be able to make WhatsApp call on your iPhone.

3. Enable Whatsapp Notification

This is more similar to a workaround for WhatsApp call dropping on Wi-Fi on the iPhone. We have discovered that if you have turned on WhatsApp notifications the WhatsApp calls will continue dropping on Wi-Fi connection. You ought to take into account the new notification of iOS 14 which is “WhatsApp” Would get a kick out of the chance to Send You Notifications.

4. Reboot the Router

Nothing from the mentioned fixes above worked for you? Then you should have a go at restarting the Wi-Fi switch. In the wake of restarting the switch and check if WhatsApp calls are going fine.


In today’s concise guide, you have seen the causes and the best fixes to WhatsApp calls keep reconnecting/disconnecting on iPhone. Use the star button to rate this article, also, use the comment box to drop your questions.

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