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How To Delete Nextdoor Account In Three Easy Steps

Nextdoor, the location-based social network, was created to help neighborhoods communicate with each other about local issues, crimes, and events. But there are plenty of reasons why you might want to delete your Nextdoor account—and today we’re going to share those reasons with you in this three-step guide on how to delete Nextdoor account.

How To Delete Nextdoor Account In Three Easy Steps

  • Step 1: Click on the drop-down arrow in the top right corner

Before you can delete your account, you need to log out of your account and then click on your name. This will bring up a drop-down menu, where you’ll need to click on Settings. Scroll down and click on Account Settings: After clicking on Account Settings, scroll down until you see a link that says, Delete my account, click it

The final step requires you to type in your password before being allowed access to a button that allows for deletion. Once deleted, you will no longer be able to log into or have access to any member areas. If unsure about deleting your account, contact customer service for verification purposes. 

You may also request removal from email lists. Deleting your account is permanent, so if you decide to do so, make sure you have saved any information that has been posted or uploaded, as there is no way to retrieve them once they are gone. You may be asked to verify your identity when calling customer service. However, if unable to speak with an agent immediately and don’t want to wait for an email response from customer support (which could take 24 hours), then call 1-888-899-2703 from 9am – 6pm PST Monday through Friday and speak with a representative directly using option #1 under To talk with an agent. 

No further action is required after contacting Nextdoor Customer Support unless specifically requested by an agent (such as verifying identity). Please note that even after successfully removing your account, you may still receive messages from other members who were previously sent your email address. As long as those messages are not malicious, they should not pose a threat to your computer. 

If they do become malicious or you believe that receiving these messages could cause harm to yourself or others, please contact us at [email protected] and we will assist you with taking additional steps to remove yourself from such correspondence. Additionally, you may consider changing all passwords associated with social media accounts/websites used while signed into Nextdoor via our website or mobile app because of possible compromised accounts/credentials.

  • Step 2: Then click on settings
  • Click on your profile picture at top right of screen.
  • Select ‘Settings.’
  • Scroll down to bottom of page and select ‘Delete My Account’ and click on ‘Next Step’.

You are done! If you wish to save content from your neighborhood, be sure to do so prior to deleting account! 

As of May 2018, there is no process for recovering a deleted Nextdoor account. Have fun with new adventures that don’t involve sharing what you’re doing with your neighbors! 🙂

Note: if you have not logged into your account within 30 days of deletion, all posts will be removed. This may take up to 48 hours to complete. 

Please note that once an account has been deleted, it cannot be restored or reactivated. You can start over again by creating a new account using another email address. If you created your original Nextdoor account using an email address associated with another social media site (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), please note that your username is attached to those accounts as well and will need to be changed when you create a new one.

  • Step 3: Scroll down and select your reason for leaving

At first glance, it looks like you can only delete your Nextdoor account if you no longer own a home. That’s not entirely true. Even if you have sold your house or are otherwise no longer living on that property, as long as one of your neighbors is still there and using their Nextdoor account, your account remains active. 

So again, even if you’re no longer a member of a neighborhood group or don’t have a particular residence anymore (like an RV), leave feedback that says why! You’ll be taken to a screen where you can give more details about why you want to leave. 

Just click submit when finished, and they will process your request within 24 hours. The folks at Nextdoor are friendly enough to respond directly to your feedback, so don’t be surprised if they get back with you shortly after requesting deletion. They may ask for additional information about why you left before processing your request. If you’ve moved out of state or changed email addresses, however, they won’t necessarily know what happened to you and might need some help finding your new contact info. 

In those cases, a little extra effort on your part could make all the difference between leaving and staying. It also helps if you send them something physical—like a postcard—that has your new address on it. If nothing else, it shows them you care enough about being deleted from their system to go through all these steps! And remember: As long as someone from your old neighborhood still has an active account somewhere else, yours will remain active too.

  • Step 4: Confirm your decision

Nextdoor offers several methods for users to leave their neighborhoods, with all having their advantages and disadvantages. To begin, locate your account settings by going to your main profile page (as pictured below). You can also access it from your Neighborhood tab or by clicking on your neighborhood name at the top of any Nextdoor page.

Once you’re there, navigate to Settings, then click on Nextdoor Membership. If you have any pending invitations in need of response, click on Pending Invitations (as shown below) to send them a message or accept/decline their request. At that point, you should see an option labeled Leave This Neighborhood.

Clicking here will prompt you to confirm your decision before permanently deleting your account. The process is similar if you want to leave multiple neighborhoods. Just repeat these steps for each one.


This article has shown you how to delete Nextdoor account. If you have questions, drop them in the comment section and I would respond ASAP.

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